We decided this past year as a club to embrace a single patch design of our logo. The process took many long conversations to come up with something we all felt we could identify with. Historically motorcycle club culture views a one piece patch as representing a family club, social club, or an AMA sanctioned Motorcycle Club. One piece patch clubs historically do not claim territory, wear rockers, or diamonds. Most 99% clubs are 1 piece patch clubs. Rogue Souls MC is an AMA sanctioned club that holds close to our family and brotherhood roots, we felt we identify more so with a single patch as our identity. When we redesigned our colors to be a one piece we were able to add in elements in the patch that better represents what we are and what we're about. We are a patriotic law abiding 99% club and uphold the constitution (especially our 2nd amendment rights) And as such we hold the flag dear to us. We love this family we have built. We are proud of our colors and our identity. The patch redesign enhances who we are and what we stand for. Our colors are our family crest, and we wear them proud and will defend and protect them. In Utah there are many different Motorcycle Clubs, Riding Clubs, and Riding Associations. From 1% Motorcycle Clubs to Casual Riding Clubs. We respect all clubs that respect us and what we do. We are friendly to all clubs on and off the road. We have several clubs we ride with, do charity with, and socialize with. It is important to us that we carry ourselves in a respectful manner and present ourselves accordingly. The brothers in RSMC feel this move to a one piece patch will continue to help us accomplish our mission statement, be proud of who we are, and continue to do what we do in the most respectful way possible. See you on the roads in Utah and surrounding states.

Rogue Souls MC, RSMC, UTAH, UT, USA #roguesoulsmc #RSMC